
Awards & Recognition

Awards & Recognition

Ayming among the best consulting companies according to “Capital”

Ayming in France was included in the ranking of the best consulting companies, prepared by the opinion-forming French economic magazine “Capital” in 2018.

We obtained five stars in the category “Shopping and supply chain”, ahead of companies such as EY , KPMG, Deloitte, McKinsey & Company, Bain & Company and Roland Berger. The five-star rating is the highest possible rating given to consulting companies that are most recommended by clients and consultants.

In addition, we received four stars in the “Cost optimization” category.

About the ranking

About the ranking Ranking was based on a telephone survey among consultants and clients of the largest consulting companies. It has been announced since 2016 in several categories. Companies that have received the same number of stars are ranked alphabetically, not hierarchically.