
Real estate tax. Settling it right, from the ground up

Cover image - Real estate tax. Settling it right, from the ground up

The Ayming Poland report describes irregularities in the settlement of real estate tax in enterprises in Poland.

It was created on the basis of an analysis of 1975 projects verifying real estate tax fees incurred by companies employing over 200 people and paying real estate tax in the amount of over PLN 200,000 annually.

Real estate tax seems easy to settle, but:

of companies settle it at the incorrect amount
of firms pay overstated real estate tax
of the largest payers overpay it

The report comprehensively presents the legal complexities associated with real estate tax and the difficulties faced by companies which settle it.

Reading it, you can find such answers as:

  • What are the most common reasons for overpayments of real estate tax?
  • What is the specificity of settling real estate tax in Poland?
  • Which elements are worth paying attention to in order to minimize the risk of improper taxation?

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